"Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series "Medicine" is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes the latest medical research to develop domestic scientific potential and its integration into the global research area and high-quality public communication between scientists, including the presentation of their research findings to domestic and world academic communities.

Founder: State University “Uzhhorod National University”

Est.: 1993.

Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine No. 2178 as of 27.06.2024

ISSN: 2415-8127 (Print).

Professional registration: “Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series "Medicine” is included in the List of professional publications of Ukraine (the category “B”), specialties – 221 – Dentistry; 222 – Medicine, according to the Order of MES of Ukraine dated April 7, 2022, No. 320 (appendix No. 2).

Frequency: bi-annually.

Language: Ukrainian, English.

Members of the editorial board are prominent scientists and specialists – surgeons, therapists, obstetrician-gynecologists, morphologists, biochemists, physiologists, and pharmacists from different regions of Ukraine and abroad.

The purpose of the journal is to elucidate research findings and acquaint doctors of health care institutions with modern medical advances and practical recommendations.

The journal staff is hopeful that its activities contribute to the progress of both domestic and world medical science.

Current Issue

No. 2(70) (2024): Scientific bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series "Medicine"

Scientific bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series "Medicine". 2024. Issue 2 (70).  96 p.
Founder: State higher educational establishment «Uzhhorod National University»
Recommended for printing: 21.11.2024

Published: 2024-11-27




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