Forensic toxicological examination of physical evidence with the aim of determining the etiological factors of mass poisoning with the use of combat toxic substances



combat poisonous substances, forensic toxicological studies, indication, forensic medical examination


Hostilities during a war are always accompanied by the undermining and destruction of various spheres of life in the areas where they take place. People's health and lives are at great risk because the enemy deliberately destroys social spheres, the economy, the environment, and kills people. Ukraine is no exception. The enemy is doing this deliberately, cynically violating the rules of engagement, peace agreements and UN resolutions. In such a difficult time for our country, we understand that there is a huge threat of using chemical weapons, among other types of weapons, to massacre military and civilians, because conventional means of warfare are not very effective for the aggressor in practice, and our side is not fully prepared for military operations with the use of chemical weapons of mass destruction, because we do not have the proper experience. In recent years and today, we see that against the background of the possible use of such weapons, new trends are emerging that are an alternative to the use of weapons of mass destruction: the deliberate destruction of facilities with nuclear and chemical components, targeted damage to civilian industrial facilities to achieve the goal in the armed confrontation of countries. The purpose and objective of this work was to analyze modern widespread scientific data on the types of chemical warfare agents and their identification in order to increase knowledge about the possibilities of forensic toxicological research in conducting forensic medical examination in the event of mass poisoning using chemical warfare agents. The author notes in her study that during the war on the territory of Ukraine, many infrastructure facilities were destroyed, huge human losses were incurred, but the resistance of Ukrainians to the enemy continues and therefore there is a possibility of using weapons of mass destruction of chemical origin. One of the tasks of forensic medicine is to assist healthcare authorities in improving the quality of treatment and prevention work: reducing morbidity, mortality, improving the quality of medical services, preventing medical errors, injuries, poisoning, etc. In this regard, forensic medical examination is appointed in the event of various emergencies, including mass poisonings caused by the enemy's use of weapons of mass destruction. The author provides historical facts of the use of chemical warfare agents during military conflicts, the first of which date back to BC. The author indicates the legal acts prohibiting the military use of chemical warfare agents and notes that today the maximum amount of CWA is stored in the United States and the aggressor country, and China, France, India, etc. also have such weapons. The author analyzes the opinions of scientists about the effectiveness of the use of toxic substances in the First World War: it was largely exaggerated by the psychological shock of using chemical warfare agents as a new, previously unknown weapon. The lack of means of protection against those poisonous substances also played a role in this exaggeration. But, given the progressive development of the chemical industry, the experience of sporadic use of new “proven” CWAs at different times, and the availability of personal protective equipment in the military, a rather horrifying picture of its use at the present stage is emerging. The author goes on to provide various classifications of toxic substances, among which the following are more acceptable for the military medical service and forensic physicians: tactical (by the nature of the effect on a living organism), by the speed of the onset of the damaging effect, by the behavior on the ground in combat conditions, forensic (by the mechanism of action on the body). Analyzing the complex of measures to protect against CWA, the author notes that the following algorithm must be in place: indication or detection, degassing, disinfection, as well as the use of personal protective equipment (gas masks, insulating breathing apparatus, raincoats, rubberized fabric suits together with filtering skin protection, antidotes, protective creams, and chemicals) and collective chemical protection. These actions are also accompanied by the collection of anamnesis, epidemiological data, determination of the clinical picture of poisoning and directly – forensic toxicological research (general and targeted), which uses methods for the isolation, detection and quantification of toxic substances and is carried out in the forensic toxicology departments of the Bureau of Forensic Medicine. The peculiarities of forensic toxicological analysis are: a huge variety of objects of analysis (biological fluids, internal organs of corpses, food, household items, drug residues, clothing, etc.); a small amount of toxic substances, the need to study toxic substances in the presence of their metabolites and impurities of biological material; the need to evaluate the results of the analysis, since the use of highly sensitive reactions and methods can detect not only the compound that caused the poisoning, but also some other substances – constituents of body cells and tissues, as well as medicinal substances used for therapeutic purposes as an antidote. The rules for conducting forensic examinations (studies) in the forensic toxicology departments of the Bureau of Forensic Medicine regulate the methodology for conducting such studies, which helps to provide poisoned people with qualified medical care. The joint work of the forensic service with clinicians and the military is an important factor in providing qualified medical care and eliminating the consequences of the use of chemical warfare agents by the enemy. One of the many links in establishing the cause of mass poisoning of the military and the population is the forensic toxicological examination of physical evidence carried out in the forensic toxicology departments of the Bureau of Forensic Medicine. The use of chemical warfare agents during the war is a crime that has material evidence, which is subject to forensic examination. In such cases, lawyers should be educated about the possibilities of forensic toxicological research in the conduct of forensic medicine in the event of mass poisoning from the use of CWA.


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How to Cite

Білецька, Г. А. (2024). Forensic toxicological examination of physical evidence with the aim of determining the etiological factors of mass poisoning with the use of combat toxic substances. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2(70), 77-82. Retrieved from