Hystoric aspects of introduction of transbladder and retropubic simple prostatectomy in surgical urological practice


  • Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Shaprinskyi National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
  • Victor Ivanovych Gorovyy National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
  • Ihor Vitaliiovych Baralo National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
  • Oleg Mykolaiovych Kapshuk Vinnytsia Pirogov Memorial Regional Hospital
  • Roman Petrovych Moraru-Burlesku Center of Plastic Reconstructive and Minimally Invasive Oncourology
  • Vasylysa Hennadiivna Suleimanova National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
  • Olexandr Viktorovych Horovyi Vinnytsia Pirogov Memorial Regional Hospital
  • Ihor Ihorovych Dovgan Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Hospital named after N.I. Pirogov
  • Maksym Oleksiiovych Malasaiev Kyiv city center of nephrology and dialysis
  • Dmytro Mykhailovych Hural Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Hospital named after N.I. Pirogov




benign prostatic hyperplasia, transbladder and retropubic simple prostatectomy, steps of introduction, methods of hemostasis of prostatic bed.


The article presents the main stages of transvesical and retropubic prostatectomies on benign prostatic hyperplasia in hystorical aspects, beginning from open intervention to minimally invasive laparoscopic and robotic techniques. The development of hemostatic methods during the transvesical and retropubic prostatectomies are highlighted, in particular by Ukrainian urologists. The aim of the study is to present the main stages of transvesical and retropubic prostatectomies in the surgical urological practice according to the literary data. Research methodology and methods. Literature sources were searched using the Medline database from PubMed and Google Scholar using the phrases “open simple transbladder and retropubic prostatectomy”, “hemostasis for open simple transbladder and retropubic prostatectomy”. Presentation of the main research material. According to the obtained data in scientific databases, it becomes clear that the problem of prostate bed hemostasis during transvesical and retropubic prostatectomies in the world was and remains quite relevant. Although interest in a laser enucleation and laparoscopic prostatectomies for the large hyperplastic prostate nodes (more than 80 ml) continues to grow in the world, open transvesical and retropubic prostatectomies are also widely used today. Therefore, individual stages of these operations, which are improved over time, deserve the special attention in order to reduce the risks of complications and improve the results of treatment. Conclusions. Transvesical and retropubic prostatectomies in benign prostatic hyperplasia surgery count more than 125 years of development and improving. These interventions have passed through the period from open intervention to the minimally invasive laparoscopic and robotic techniques in Ukraine and in the world, but even today the choice of the best option for prostatectomy remains with the operating urologist.


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How to Cite

Шапринський, В. О., Горовий, В. І., Барало, І. В., Капшук, О. М., Морару-Бурлеску, Р. П., Сулейманова, В. Г., Горовий, О. В., Довгань, І. І., Маласаєв, М. О., & Гураль, Д. М. (2022). Hystoric aspects of introduction of transbladder and retropubic simple prostatectomy in surgical urological practice. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2(66), 38-45. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8127.2022.66.7

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