Evaluation of hemostasis in patients with vein tromobosis with cervical cancer
cervical cancer, deep vein thrombosis, coagulation system.Abstract
Introduction. Oncopathology is one of the main causes of mortality in the population, causing economic losses associated not only with the cost of treatment, but also with the loss of health and disability of the working age population. Cervical cancer is currently one of the most common malignant tumors of the female genital organs. The presence of phlebotrombosis in cancer patients significantly affects life expectancy, causing a three foldin crease in mortality compared with patients with a combination of thrombosis with benign diseases. The most common cause of death of hospitalized patients is thrombosis. The study of haemosthesiological parameters should be taken in to account when determining the tactics of treatment of cancer patients. The aim of the study. Determination of patterns of changes in hemosthesiological parameters of blood in patients with cervical cancer, depending on the histological variant of the tumor. Materials and methods. 28 women were allocated to the control group - 7 women with somatic healthy women and 12 patients with adenocarcinoma of the cervix and 9 patients with squamo uscell carcinoma of the cervix for in patient treatment in gynecological clinic oncology department . In all patients, acute phlebotrombosis of the popliteal and tibial segments was diagnosed. Results of the studies and their discussion. From the presented data, when comparing groups of patients with adenocarcinoma of the cervix and squamo uscell carcinoma of the cervix, statistically significant decrease in thrombintime (p<0.01), activated partial thromboplastin time (p <0.005) and prothrombin time (p <0.005) was found. In the analysis of fibrinogen, a statistically significan tincrease (p <0.01) was observed, indicating a tendency to thrombosis with the risk of thromboembolic complications. In creased values of soluble fibrin-monomer complexes (p <0.01), which are markers of thrombinemiainintra vascular coagulation, indicate activation of the coagulation system. We also noted the statistical influence of the morphological structure of the tumor on the indicators of the coagulation system. Thus, the level of fibrinogen (p <0.005), soluble fibrin-monomer complexes (p <0.005) is higher in patients with adenocarcinoma of the cervix compared with patients with squamo uscell carcinoma of the cervix; bloodsystems. Conclusions. Significant effect of cervical cancer on the activation of the coagulation system has been established. The dependence of the morphological structure of cervical cancer on the development of thrombosis was revealed. Thus, there was a statistically greater manifestation of hypercoagulation in patients with adenocarcinoma of the cervix compared to patients with squamo uscell carcinoma of the cervix. Patients with cervical cancer are at high risk for developing thromboembolic complications and need to prevent thrombotic complications.
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