Algorithm of actions of the head of a medical institution in a conflict situation




head of a medical institution, management style, conflict in medicine, algorithm of actions in conflict


Successful professional communication of a medical facility manager depends on the ability to perceive the social context of the situation, understand verbal and non-verbal information, and accurately interpret the patient’s behavior and characteristics. On the basis of the received data, the manager must predict possible negative changes in the patient’s behavior related to the disease and treatment. The purpose of the study was to conduct an analysis of the style of behavior of heads of medical institutions in conflict and to develop an algorithm of the head’s actions in the event of a conflict. Materials and methods. The study of the behavior style of managers in the medical team was carried out by medical and sociological methods with the help of a developed anonymous questionnaire. 582 medical workers aged 18 and over took part in the study. Research results and their discussion. It was established that in medical institutions of European countries and the USA, two leadership styles coexist – transactional and transformational leadership, and in Ukraine – authoritarian, liberal and democratic. According to the results of the questionnaire, there is an authoritarian style for heads of medical institutions, which does not involve collegiality and any objections from employees (for doctors – 69,2%, nurses – 30,8%), while deputy heads prefer an authoritarian style (19,1%), dependent (18,3%), selfish (14,2%) and friendly styles (12%). An algorithm of actions of the head of a medical institution has been developed, which will contribute to the correct assessment and decision-making in a conflict situation. Conclusions. The style of behavior of heads of medical institutions in conflict situations is ambiguous and has complex determinants. This makes it necessary to take into account the complex conditions of the individual, the type of labor relations, the specifics of the production environment, which affect the occurrence of conflicts in medical institutions and measures to resolve them.


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How to Cite

Бідучак, А. С. (2024). Algorithm of actions of the head of a medical institution in a conflict situation. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1(69), 128-133.

