Medical conflicts in the doctor-patient system


  • Anzhela Stepanivna Biduchak Bukovinian State Medical University



conflict in medicine; patient; conflict managemen; frequency of conflicts.


Medical practice confirms that in the conditions of health care reform, conflict occupies a special place in any team. This is because conflict is an integral part of life. Therefore, it is necessary to study in depth the way of formation of modern organizational conflict, the way of eliminating the conflict and the way of fighting its consequences. At the same time, the most important result of effective enterprise conflict management will be the formation of a mechanism for early warning of conflict situations and mechanisms for resolving medical conflicts. The purpose of the study was conflicts in the field of health care in the «doctor-patient» system. Materials and methods. The study of conflict in the team was conducted using medical and sociological methods using an anonymous questionnaire developed by us. The study involved 582 health workers, including 231 men and 351 women. The age composition of medical workers: from 18 and older. Research results and their discussion. A study was conducted aimed at identifying the socio-psychological causes of conflicts and methods of their resolution in the health care organization using the example of medical personnel. The main causes, frequency of occurrence and types of conflict situations in medical teams are analyzed. Based on the conducted sociological research, it was established that the largest number of conflicts (32,1%) occurs in the «doctor-patient relatives» system, and about 25% – in the «doctor-patient» system. The behavior of medical personnel during the conflict was analyzed using practical examples. It was found that the majority (34%) of respondents do not intervene in the conflict and take a neutral position. Conclusions. The study confirmed the hypothesis that the process of conflict management will be more effective when the situation in the organization of processes as a whole in a medical institution changes. Diagnosis and management of a medical conflict should be the key to the successful operation of a medical institution, thanks to the creation of a working atmosphere for the medical team and the patient, where everyone will feel comfortable and work for maximum results.


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How to Cite

Бідучак, А. С. (2022). Medical conflicts in the doctor-patient system. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2(66), 133-135.