Surgical treatment of long bone fractures using ceramic implants (literature review)


  • V.M. Shymon Uzhhorod National University, Higher Educational Institution, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery (with courses in traumatology, surgery and forensic medicine)
  • Yu. Meklesh Uzhhorod National University, Higher Educational Institution, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery (with courses in traumatology, surgery and forensic medicine)



bone tissue, defect, hydroxylapatite ceramics, bisphosphate ceramics, implant.


The article deals with the historical aspect and current state of the problem of the development and use of implants for bone defect replacement. An important segment of the modern market for science-intensive technologies is the development and production of biomaterials. Creating an "artificial bone" is a primary task of medical materials sci-ence, which can be solved by scientists by developing bioactive vitreous and ceramic materials with high resorption capacity, non-toxicity and biocompatibility. The nature of regenerative processes is largely determined by the proper-ties of the materials used to fill bone defects. It is difficult to imagine the current level of medicine without biological implants, by means of which reconstructive surgical interventions in traumatology-orthopedics, maxillofacial surgery are performed. The most extensive studies have been performed in the field of production and clinical application of hydroxyap-atite-based materials. More dense bone substitutes are needed to increase the ability to perform temporary mechanical function. Among the representatives of ceramics, the advantage in strength is hydroxylapatite (HA). A highly porous bone substitute is required to enhance osteointegrative properties, the ability to tolerate, and the gradual release of osteogenesis stimulators. In this case, bisphosphate ceramics (BF) is based on HA, whose biodegradability is higher than HA, but strength indicators are not sufficient for use in loaded areas of the skeleton. Despite the existence of a significant variety of samples of HA or ceramics, differing in composition and, accordingly, durability, to date, there is no differentiated approach to the choice of bone substitute, depending on the nature and localization of the cavity bone defect, its size and loading conditions. Based on the analytical analysis of the literature on the problem of the use of implant materials for bone plastic cavities in orthopedics and traumatology, we can conclude on the relevance and importance of the chosen direction of scientific research and outline some aspects of the development of this problem, as well as identify issues that need further resolution.


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How to Cite

Шимон, В. ., & Меклеш, Ю. (2019). Surgical treatment of long bone fractures using ceramic implants (literature review). Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2 (60), 43-49.