Acute Retinal Necrosis (clinical case)


  • K.V. Bora Uzhhorod National University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgical Diseases with a course in ophthalmology
  • O.O. Falbysh Faculty of Postgraduate Education and University training, Department of Surgical Disciplines
  • A.V. Stojka Uzhhorod National University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgical Diseases with a course in ophthalmology



retina, retinitis, herpes, necrosis, vitrectomy.


The aim of the study: to investigate on the basis of clinical case the features of clinical course and treatment efficacy of rare retinal lesions – acute necrosis. Object and methods of research: the described clinical observation over the patient B., born in 1975. A general clinical as well as an ophthalmological research has been conducted. Results: The diagnosis was established based on a distinctive ophthalmoscopic picture; the etiology was confirmed by blood testing for torch infection and the efficiency of an antiviral therapy, in the course of which the further retinal detach-ment with a large rupture was diagnosed. Antiviral treatment was supplemented by surgical interference (closed vitrectomy, removal of the posterior hyaloids membrane, relaxing retinotomy, retinal restoration, retinal laser coagulation, tamponade of the vitreous cavity with silicone oil 570 cSt). The surgery went without any complications, the retina has adhered, the visual acuity increased to 0.2, and 6 month later – to 0.5. Conclusion: Rare pathology – acute necrotizing herpetic retinitis – was diagnosed in a timely manner, and adequate sur-gery during the antiviral therapy ensured retinal adherence and retention of visual function.


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How to Cite

Бора, К., Фальбуш, О., & Стойка, А. (2019). Acute Retinal Necrosis (clinical case). Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2 (60), 5-7.