Meckel’s diverticulum as a reason of intestinal obstruction: case report


  • S.S. Filip Uzhhorod National University, School of Medicine, Department of general surgery
  • Yu.P. Skrуpуnets Uzhhorod National University, School of Medicine, Department of general surgery
  • R.M. Slуvka Uzhhorod National University, School of Medicine, Department of general surgery
  • I.I. Hadzheha Uzhhorod National University, School of Medicine, Department of general surgery



Meckel’s diverticulum; intestinal obstruction, surgical treatment.


Meckel’s diverticulum is a congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract, which occurs in 2 to 4 % of the individuals in the general population. There is no gender difference in the frequency of detection, although the incidence of complications among males is 3 to 4 times higher. Of the complications, the most common are bleeding, invagination, intestinal obstruction, perforation, very rarely – bladder – diverticular fistulas and tumors. The article provides a clinical case of intestinal obstruc-tion by Meckel’s diverticulum.


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How to Cite

Філіп, С. ., Скрипинець, Ю. ., Сливка, Р. ., & Гаджега, І. . (2020). Meckel’s diverticulum as a reason of intestinal obstruction: case report. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2 (62), 36-39.