Diagnostic possibilities in the choice o surgical tactics for the treatment of post-thrombotic disease


  • K.K. Karpenko National Military Medical Center "Main Military Clinical Hospital"




post-thrombotic disease, phlebography, digital subtraction phlebography, multi-helical computer phlebography, ultrasound vein diagnostics, diagnostic algorithm, venous reconstruction.


In the article discussed problems in the diagnosis of stenotic-occlusal lesion sof the deep veins of the pelvis and inferior vena cava with post-thrombotic disease. At the moment, the diagnos is of this pathology is diverse, although the strategy of surgical treatment and the choice of tactics in many cases depends on the completeness and specificity of the received diagnostic in formation. Different instrumental techniques have unequal levels of accuracy and completeness of the information received. To determine the optimal diagnostics chemein practical experience, the most affordable and applicable instrumental diagnostic methods were applied and compared among them selves inaccordance with the Recommendations of the American College of Radiology, their significance in planning future surgical or endovascular interventions was evaluated, and the advantages and disadvantages of each method were examined.


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How to Cite

Карпенко, К. . (2020). Diagnostic possibilities in the choice o surgical tactics for the treatment of post-thrombotic disease. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1 (61), 56-61. https://doi.org/10.24144/2415-8127.2020.61.56-61