Clinical and functional aspects of cord blood cell transplantation in patients with distal lesions of the lower limb arteries


  • D.B. Dombrovsky Bukovina State Medical University, Department of Surgery №1
  • V.V. Savin Bukovina State Medical University, Department of Surgery №1
  • Yu.R. Pshуborovska Bukovina State Medical University, Department of Surgery №1



obliterating atherosclerosis, chronic lower limb ischemia, transplantation, cord blood.


Purpose of work. Conduct comparative analysis of the clinical condition of patients with distal lesions of the arterial bed using standard conservative therapy with and without cord blood cell transplantation. Materials and methods. The study group was formed of patients with manifestations of chronic ischemia of the lower limb against obliterating atherosclerosis, who underwent transplantation of cord blood cells in combination with conservative therapy. The control group included patients with distal lesions of the lower limb vessels with obliterating atherosclerosis receiving a basic course of conservative therapy. To determine the quality of life characteristics before and after cord blood cell transplantation, we used a number of standardized questionnaires, with which we determined the distance of intermittent claudication and subjectively assessed the level of personal well-being of patients. For a detailed of the state of microcirculation in the ischemic limb, we used the laser doppler flowmetry method. Results and discussion. After transplantation of cord blood cells, an improvement in the general condition of the patients was observed, a decrease in the degree of ischemia to Rutherford’s classification, an increase in the distance and the rate of painless walking by 5-10% during the first 3 months, and 1.3 times in 12 months, compared with the control group are noted. Improvement of microcirculatory indicators of laser doppler flowmetry was obserwed from the end of the first and up to 12 months after transplantation, which indicates an improvement in the state of microhemodynamics. Conclusion. The use of cord blood cell transplant for the stimulation of angiogenesis allows to obtain a long lasting positive clinical effect, which is manifested in the form of an increase the distance and speed of pain-free walking, improving performanse, improving the personal well-being of patients in the physical, psychological and socio-economic sphere, which correlates with laser doppler flowmetry and expands the possibilities of successful treatment of patients with chronic lower limb ischemia against the background of obliterating atherosclerosis.


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How to Cite

Домбровський, Д. ., Савін, В. ., & Пшиборовська, Ю. . (2020). Clinical and functional aspects of cord blood cell transplantation in patients with distal lesions of the lower limb arteries. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1 (61), 38-44.