Long-term influence of small doses of ionizing emission on the lipid complex of eritrocytic membrane
radiation, periodontium, dental alveolar complex, lipid peroxidation, erythrocytes.Abstract
Modern living conditions are impossible without scientific and technological progress. However, in recent years, the likelihood of large-scale man-made disasters has increased. The indirect action of ionizing radiation is reduced to water radiolysis, to the formation of free hydrogen, hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anion radi-cal.Free radical processes of peroxidation of erythrocyte lipid complex peroxidation were intensified significantly in the area of radiation contamination, which in turn led to the modification and destabilization of cell biomembranes. Activation of the processes of lipoperoxidation is one of the factors of formation of inflammatory and dystrophic peri-odontal processes, the presence of which was noted in the persons of the examined groups.
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