Monitoring of prosthetic constructions structures for treatment of young people of Uzhhorod with the small included defects of the dentitions dental
dental exploring, young persons, small included dentition defects, prosthetic morbidity, prosthetic construction.Abstract
Introduction. Among the issues of modern orthopedic dentistry, the problem of the presence of small defects in the dentition in young people is becoming more urgent. Such patients rarely seek for dental care. These defects do not cause significant impairment of masticatory function, but over the time, this causes not only the violation of the mor-phological unity of dentitions, but also deformation of the bite and complex organic adjustment in the defect area, which may subsequently extend to all dentition. Therefore, the study of the features of prosthetics of such patients will improve the treatment of defects, which reduces the incidence of the population. Aim of research. Comprehensive to examinate of orthopedic diseases of young people of Uzhhorod; to increase the efficiency of prosthetics of patients with small defects of dentitions for the prevention of secondary dentoalveolar deformities; to justify the choice of the optimal type of prosthetic care for effective treatment. Materials and methods. Dental examinations of 975 patients aged 15-29 years were conducted on the basis of the Uzhgorod University Dental Clinic. The object of the study was small included defects in the lateral areas of the denti-tion and their complications in young adults. Results and discussion. Through comprehensive research data were obtained on the spread of small defects in the dentition among young people aged 15-29 years in Uzhhorod; the dynamics of morbidity as a whole is analyzed The practical value of the results consists in rendering objective dental care to patients of this age category, which includes the development of effective methods of prosthetic treatment. Conclusion. On the basis of the study of prevalence, intensity, tendency of development of small included defects of dentitions among young people of Uzhhorod, the dynamics of morbidity as a whole is analyzed, the direction and power of influence of negative pathogenetic factors on the course and formation of various abnormalities by the sy stem are determined.
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