Photo-spectrometric study of the structure of the surface layer of ASZ-5 and FAR 5 materials after in vivo ex-posure


  • V. Shymon Uzhhorod National University, Higher Educational Institution, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery with courses in traumatology, surgery and forensic medicine
  • S. Alfeldii Uzhhorod National University, Higher Educational Institution, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery with courses in traumatology, surgery and forensic medicine
  • V. Stoika Uzhhorod National University, Higher Educational Institution, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery with courses in traumatology, surgery and forensic medicine
  • A. Sheregii Uzhhorod National University, Higher Educational Institution, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery with courses in traumatology, surgery and forensic medicine
  • M. Shymon Uzhhorod National University, Higher Educational Institution, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery with courses in traumatology, surgery and forensic medicine



bone tissue, bioglass, natural apatites.


The mechanism of attachment of bone tissue to the material is similar to the mechanism of natural bone remodeling. After implantation of bioactive materials, living bone forms a strong physico-chemical bond with the implant, which should be characterized by considerable stability against chemical and biological destruction under the action of the liquid environment of the human body, since it is intended for permanent residence within the human body. Objective. Based on experimental and theoretical studies of the electronic structure of natural apatites to establish the mechanism of interaction of ASZ-3 and FAR 5 with the organic matrix of native bone and germination of apatite in vivo. Materials and methods of study. The chemical composition of the surface layers and their structure was deter-mined by quantitative electron probe microanalysis on a Tescan Mira 3LMU SEM using an Oxford X-max 80mm en-ergy dispersion spectrometer. Research results. The results of a cross-sectional study of a fiberglass material FAR 5 implanted in bone tissue al-lowed us to establish the following: after 14 and 28 in vivo exposure under static and dynamic loads, the implant is tightly attached to the bone tissue, which indicates the integrity of the bond-forming integrity. bone tissue. The struc-


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How to Cite

Шимон, В. ., Алфелдій, С. ., Стойка, В. ., Шерегій, А. ., & Шимон, М. . (2019). Photo-spectrometric study of the structure of the surface layer of ASZ-5 and FAR 5 materials after in vivo ex-posure. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2 (60), 37-42.