Evaluation of the level of physical health of young men who live in lowland areas of Transcarpathia by the indicators of aerobic productivity


  • O.А. Dulo Uzhhorod National University, Faculty of Health and Physical Education, Department of Physical Rehabilitation




physical health, aerobic productivity, physical capacity, somatic type.


Introduction. Cause of the fact that a human has a large discrepancy in morphological and physiological characteristics, connected to the type of the constitution, individual somatotypological specifics have an essential role in organism adaptation which characterizes the level of physical health. The aim of the study. To determine the aerobic abilities of young men, who live in lowland areas of Transcarpathian region by the somatotype. Materials and methods. The work is devoted to the study of the level of physical health of young men of the age of 17- 21, which are living in the lowland area Transcarpathia. Level of physical fitness was assessed for indicators of aerobic efficiency, namely determined physical productivity, maximum oxygen consumption, using the method veloergometry. To assess the level of aerobic productivity and use the scale Y.P. Pyarnata. We surveyed young men using the method Heath- Carter somatotype determined conditionally distributed them into five groups: with endomezomorfic somatotype, mesomorphic somatotype, somatotype mezoektomorfic, ectomorphic somatotype and balanced somatotype. Results and discussion. The greatest number of young men identified with endomezomorfic somatotype (49,1%), with minimal ectomorphic somatotype (6,3%). The level of aerobic efficiency, which displays the physical health of the young men with endomezomorfic and balanced somatotypes correspond to the level "below average" and the relative performance of maximum oxygen consumption in lowland young men somatotype these are below the "safe level of health" and constitute 38,560,47 ml∙min-1∙kg-1 and 40,80,62 ml∙min-1∙kg-1, respectively. Average values VO2 max rel. mesomorphic, mezoektomorfic and ectomorphic somatotypes meet the "average" level of aerobic productivity and the level of physical health of these young men somatotype corresponds to the "safe level of health". Significantly the lowest average values VO2 max rel. observed representatives lowland endomezomorfic and balanced somatotypes (p0,05). The highest average values of VO2 max rel. representatives have ectomorphic somatotype – 44,71,02 ml∙min-1∙kg-1, mezoektomorfic somatotype 46,441,45 ml∙min-1∙kg-1 and mesomorphic somatotype 44,631,3 ml∙min-1∙kg-1, and was significantly different from other somatotypes 20,4% and 13,8%, respectively (p0,05). Average values of VO2 max rel. young men lowland with mesomorphic, mezoektomorfic, ectomorphic and balanced somatotypes among themselves were not significantly different (p>0,05). Conclusions. Quantitative analysis of the level of physical health of young men, who live in lowland areas, based on the relative value of maximum oxygen consumption, indicates about the advantages of the representatives of meso-ectomorphic somatotype, where muscle component dominates. The lowest level of physical health was recorded in representatives of endo- mesomorphic somatotype with high fat component.


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How to Cite

Дуло, О. . (2022). Evaluation of the level of physical health of young men who live in lowland areas of Transcarpathia by the indicators of aerobic productivity. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1 (59), 96-99. https://doi.org/10.24144/2415-8127.2019.59.96-99