Low intensive laser radiation applied for complex treatment of rheumatic patiens


  • M.M. Kyshko Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty, Department of Hospital Therapy
  • M.V. Bychko Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty, Department of Hospital Therapy
  • T.V. Kyshko Transcarpathion Reqional Clinical Hospital Named After A.Novak




laser therapy, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondyloarthritis.


Introduction. Laser therapy has anti- inflammatory, sedative, vasodilating, antiedemic, bacteriostatic and decensitizing effect, it stimulates reparative processes, facilitates exchange processes and immunebiological reaction of the human body, improves fibroplastic processes, inhibits exudative and proliferative processes. The subject of investigation. To study the efficiency of laser therapy applied to patients suffering reumation arthritis, osteoartroses, ankylosing spondyloarthritis (Bechterev’s diseases). Materials and methods. The investigation included 33 patients suffering rheumatoid arthritis, and correspondingly 39 patients suffering osteoartrosis and 25 patients – ankylosing spondyloarthritis. The principle group consisting of 18 patients suffering RA, 20 patients suffering OA and 13 patients – AS, had laser therapy applied to them. The control group consisting of 15 patients suffering RA, 19 patients – OA and 12 patients – AS had no laser therapy applied to them. However the patients of both groups were dispensed the same medications. All patients at the outset of the investigation and after medical treatment were subject to identification of the amount of their painful joints. The patients assessed pain sensations and guiding by the 10 centimiters visual scale (along with the doctors) defined the illness as it ran. Change indices were set in percents. Investigations results and discussion of them. After 14 days of medical treatment all patients stated improvement of subjective and objective manifestation of the diseases. Majority of patients of the main group had improvement on the 4th – 6th day while in the control group on the 9th – 12th day patients of the main group stated improvements and people of the control group. 28 % patients suffering RA in the main group and 14 % patients in the control group had significant improvement while 67 % and 60 % of the patients stated just improvement and no effect had 5 % and 26 % of the patients in both groups. 40 % patients suffering OA in the main group and 47 % patients in the control group had significant improvement while 60 % and 38 % of the patients stated just improvement and no effect had 0 % and 15 % of the patients in both groups. 16 % patients suffering AS in the group and 0 % patients in the control group had significant improvement while 54 % and 67 % of the patients stated just improvement and no effect had 30 % and 33 % of the patients in both groups. Results of the collected data testify that the laser therapy causes quite distinct positive effect on the patients and may be widely used for the rheumatic patients. Conclusion. 91 % of the investigated patients who underwent laser therapy state the positive effect what is the ground for its wide application for treatment of the people suffering rheumatoid pathology.


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How to Cite

Кишко, М. ., Бичко, М. ., & Кишко, Т. . (2022). Low intensive laser radiation applied for complex treatment of rheumatic patiens. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1 (59), 67-69. https://doi.org/10.24144/2415-8127.2019.59.67-69