Dynamics of endogenic intoxication findings and non – specific resistance in complex treatment of peritonitis by using endolymphatic combine therapy


  • S.S. Filip Uzhhorod National University, department of medicine, chair of general surgery
  • Y.P. Skripinets Uzhhorod National University, department of medicine, chair of general surgery




peritonitis, endolymphatic combined therapy (ECT), endogenic intoxication, non-specific resistance.


Introduction. The ways of usage of pharmacological drugs during the festering setptic diseases are different. Today the most effective is endolymphatic, which influencies causative agent and toxins directly in the lymphatic system before they enter the blood circle. Endolymphatic method of drug usage allows to create and support therapeutic concentrated doses of antibiotics in the lymphatic system. Thus this method can be used in a complex treatment of peritonitis. Aim of research. Our aim is to improve the results of a complex treatment with endolymphatic combined therapy (ECT) for patients with acute peritonitis. Materials and methods. 37 patients, aged 19-72 with acute peritonitis have been examined. These patients were treated at the surgical department of Uzhhorod regional hospital in the period of 2015-2019. There were two groups of patients: main group with 22 patients and control group with 15 patients. Only main group of patients used endolymfatic combined therapy (ECT). To asses the level of endogenic intoxication we determined the level of middle molecular mass blood serum and made calculation of leucocyte index of intoxication. To assess the activity of non-specific defense of the body we determined body resistance index. Results and discussion. The analyses of the received data show that the usage of endolymfatic combined therapy (ECT) within the complex treatment of peritonitis leads to fast elimination of endogenous intoxications phenomena. Namely, leucocytes are 25% less, rod-core neutrophils are 35% less, leucocyte intoxication index is 25% less, level of peptides with middle molecular mass is 20% less, index of a body resistance is 25% higher, are this leads to a quick recovery of the body defence forces in comparison to a control group patients. Conclusion. Clinicaly enabled us to establish that in case of the complex treatment of peritonitis the endolymphatic combine therapy diminishes endogenic intoxication contributes rapid normalisation of the immunologic findings and rapid restored protective function of organism.


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How to Cite

Філіп, С. ., & Скрипинець, Ю. . (2022). Dynamics of endogenic intoxication findings and non – specific resistance in complex treatment of peritonitis by using endolymphatic combine therapy. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1 (59), 56-59. https://doi.org/10.24144/2415-8127.2019.59.56-59