Frequency of metastases of hormone dependent breast cancer


  • А.В. Русин Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty, Department of Oncology, Transcarpathian Regional Clinical Oncological Hospital
  • O.M. Odoshevska Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty, Department of Oncology
  • M.I. Barchi Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty, Department of Oncology



breast cancer, metastases, immunohistochemistry, hormone dependan.


Study aimed to access possible relationships between the clinical and pathological factors of primary metastatic breast cancer and distant metastases among 148 patients in the Transcarpathian region in the period from 2008 to 2018. The regu-larities of metastatic breast cancer are determined. It has been established that patients with hormone dependent primary metastatic breast cancer were most prone to metas-tases to bones, lungs, supraclavicular lymph nodes, liver. There was no significant difference in the localization of metastases among groups with different expression of hormone receptors, except for cases of over-expression of the estrogen receptor, with prevalent bone metastases and no dependence on the menstrual function. The most common combinations for multiple localizations of the metastatic process were: bones + lungs, bones + liver, isolated metastases of breast cancer mainly localized in the lungs/ The revealed patterns can help determine the monitoring strategy and personalize the treatment plan for patients with breast cancer.


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How to Cite

Русин, А. ., Одошевська, О. ., & Барчі, М. . (2022). Frequency of metastases of hormone dependent breast cancer. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1 (59), 39-44.