Influence of deep-femoral-popliteal index on the results of indirect methods of revascularization lower extremities
chronic limb ischemia; profunda femoral artery, deep-femoral-popliteal index, indirect methods of lower ex-tremities revascularization.Abstract
Сhronic critical ischemia is recorded from 400 to 1000 cases per 1 million population per year. However, reconstructive surgery can only be performed in half of these patients, and without surgery, 95% of patients performed amputation of the lower extremity during the first year of observation. One of the important problems in the planning of the type of reconstruc-tion in chronic ischemia is the assessment of blood flow on the collateral branches and the condition of the arteries of the lower leg, occlusion which creates obstacles to adequate flow of blood to the distal limbs and is the cause of poor results of bypass surgery. Choosing a method for surgical treatment of patients with obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremi-ties is one of the most difficult problems in vascular surgery.
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