The results of profundoplasty depending on the size profundapoplitealcollateral index


  • F.V. Horlenko Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty, Department of Surgery diseases



obliterating atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremities, chronic ischemia of lower extremities, deep hip-popliteal index, profundoplasty.


The results of the 124 patients treatment, which were operated in the department of vascular surgery of Zakarpattia Regional Clinical Hospital named after M.Sc. Andriy Novak during the period from 2005 to 2018. The patients had the fol-lowing diagnosisdistal forms of lower extremities lesion of arteries of the by chronic lower limb ischemia.Patients after profundoplasty were divided into 3 groups depending from the size of the Profundapopliteal collateral index (PPCI). PPCIin the Group I patients (the 5-year limb preservation) was 74.2%, in Group II patients – 51.8% and in Group III patients – 23.4% according of the study result with using profundoplasty. PPCIwhich characterizes by the collateral system developm -nt degree of the popliteal-pedicel segment, is thus considered to be useful for selecting the optimal revascularization proce-dures for the saving limbs.


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How to Cite

Горленко, Ф. . (2022). The results of profundoplasty depending on the size profundapoplitealcollateral index. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1 (59), 16-19.