The analysis of the condition of contamination of soil in settlements of Transcarpathian region during the period of 2013-2017


  • Ch.I. Mykyta Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty, Department of Social Medicine and Hygiene
  • I.M. Rohach Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty, Department of Social Medicine and Hygiene
  • G.M. Koval Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty, Department of Microbiology, Virology, Epidemiology with the course of infectious diseases



soil sample, soil pollution, preventive measures.


Background. Due to chemicalization of the national economy, intensive environmental pollution, in particular, soil, by pesticides, mineral fertilizers, plant growth promoters, and other exogenous chemicals began to occur. Therefore, the protection of the biosphere, including soil ecosystems, today is one of the most important tasks of scientific community. Purpose. Study of the soil pollution of the Transcarpathian settlements in dynamics during 2013-2017 years. Materials and methods. The statistical material of the „Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region‖ concerning contamination of the soil of the populated areas of the Transcarpathian region in dynamics during 2013-2017 years was processed with the help of computer software Microsoft Excel. Results. The statistical material concerning contamination of the soil of the populated areas of the Transcarpathian region in dynamics during 2013-2017 years was analyzed. The main soil pollution factors of the Transcarpathian settlements were identified, and a range of measures were developed to prevent pollution. Conclusions. 1. A significant number of soil samples from settlements of the Transcarpathian region, do not meet the requirements of the State Standard for sanitary-chemical, bacteriological and helminthological indicators. 2. The most polluted soil by heavy metals are in the places of storage of toxic waste, in the zone of influence of the transport highways, zone of influence of industrial enterprises and sanitary-protection zone; pesticides ‒ in places of crop production and in places use of pesticides; bacteriological and helminthological ‒ in residential area and territory of children’s institutions. 3. Among the most important events are measures to prevent polluted soil is development and implementation of legislative acts national and international levels, which are intended to be regulated the processes of formation and disposal of waste, creation of non-waste and low-waste technological schemes of production, and to do the monitoring of the content of toxic substances in natural objects.


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How to Cite

Микита, Х. ., Рогач, І. ., & Коваль, Г. . (2022). The analysis of the condition of contamination of soil in settlements of Transcarpathian region during the period of 2013-2017. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2 (58), 119-124.