Improvement of methodological support materials for monitoring the level of knowledge in institutions of higher medical education at the current stage


  • Vitaliy Ivanovich Lyakhovsky Poltava State Medical University
  • Oleg Georgiyovich Krasnov Poltava State Medical University
  • Ruslan Borisovich Lisenko Poltava State Medical University
  • Ivan Ivanovich Nemchenko Poltava State Medical University
  • Oksana Ivanovna Krasnova Poltava State Medical University
  • Natalia Oleksandrivna Lyakhova Poltava State Medical University
  • Tetyana Vladyslavivna Pluzhnikova Poltava State Medical University



reforming education, knowledge control, competitor, tests.


Introduction. The current stage of professional medical training is characterized by a significant increase in the volume, complexity and pace of assimilation of educational material. It is important to improve the efficiency and development of the pedagogical assessment system to measure the results of the educational process and determine the achievements of students. Pedagogical tests allow assessing the structure of knowledge and measuring the degree of assimilation of educational material, mastering the necessary skills and abilities, and the level of educational achievements. Purpose of research is to study the forms of knowledge control materials obtained by applicants for higher education in medical universities, their implementation, directions of development and use in modern conditions. Materials and methods: The research materials were scientific and methodological literature. Research methods: bibliosemantic, content analysis, system approach and system analysis. Results and Discussion: There are three main types of control materials: theoretical issues; tests; tasks. The advantages of test control are its standardization, the ability to control all students, control all the material, systematically evaluate progress, reducing the time spent on control. Test results can be presented in grades, points, ratings of each student. A modern teacher must possess a wide arsenal of modern methods and means of developing and using various performance tests. It is necessary to take into account the principles of building materials for programmed training and control, differentiating them by levels of professional training. Conclusions: Education in higher medical education institutions is moving towards creating conditions for creativity, towards a pedagogy of cooperation, support and stimulation of the applicant's independence in learning. One of the ways of such a transition is the use by teachers of test knowledge control as an integral part of modern technologies that help applicants open up and prepare an educated specialist.


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How to Cite

Ляховський, В. І., Краснов, О. Г., Лисенко, Р. Б., Нємченко, І. І., Краснова, О. І., Ляхова, Н. О., & Плужнікова, Т. В. (2023). Improvement of methodological support materials for monitoring the level of knowledge in institutions of higher medical education at the current stage. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1(67), 121-126.