Hygienic assessment of the population risk due to consumption of water contaminated by pesticides recommended for the protection of potato plants


  • Olesіa Oleksiivna Novokhatskaa Bogomolets National Medical University
  • Olena Petrivna Vavrynevich Bogomolets National Medical University
  • Vasyl Gavrylovych Bardov Bogomolets National Medical University




рesticides, risk, water, soil, potato chemical protection.


Widespread use of xenobiotics – chemical compounds that do not have natural biogeochemical cycles, annually leads to contamination of agricultural soils in Ukraine. Water contaminated with chemicals can cause allergic diseases, metabolic disorders, pathology of the respiratory, cardiovascular systems and cancer. The purpose. Hygienic assessment of the population risk due to consumption of water contaminated by pesticides recommended for the protection of potato plants. Materials and methods. Prediction of possible migration of studied pesticides into groundwater was carried out taking into account the rate of destruction of pesticides in soil (τ50), the coefficient of sorption by organic carbon and solubility in water by the index of potential leaching, index of potential pollution of groundwater and surface water(GUS), SCI-GROW – screening concentration in groundwater. Result. The results of the risk assessment showed that the values of the maximum possible daily intake of test pesticides with water (0.027-2.2740 μg/day) are significantly lower than the allowable daily intake of test substances (120-6000 μg/day), taking into account the results of field studies Ukraine and other European countries. The results indicate a relatively low risk to humans due to the inflow of water contaminated with pesticides of the studied groups. Conclusions. 1. High risk of groundwater pollution in soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine by studied herbicides, insecticides and fungicides according to GUS – index of potential leaching into groundwater, which should be taken into account when using them in the chemical protection system and solving monitoring studies. 2. Based on the risk assessment for the population, a relatively low risk for humans due to the inflow of water contaminated with pesticides of the studied groups. 3. This indicates the need to take into account the migration process of most of the studied pesticides in addressing the issue of monitoring studies in soil and water.


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How to Cite

Новохацька, О. О., Вавріневич, О. П., & Бардов, В. Г. (2022). Hygienic assessment of the population risk due to consumption of water contaminated by pesticides recommended for the protection of potato plants. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2(66), 141-145. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8127.2022.66.27