Study of the effectiveness of the use of mineral water with a high content of biologically active components in experimental dermatosis
dermatosis, structural condition of the skin, metabolic parameters, mineral water, boron, hydrogen sulfide.Abstract
Introduction. The widespread occurrence of atopic dermatitis and the presence of complications in the use of medical drugs in the existing protocols for its treatment requires the study of pathogenetically determined non-medical therapies. The addition of balneotherapy methods to the treatment complex can increase the effectiveness of treatment and reduce the manifestations or consequences of complications of the drug load. Purpose. The presence of corrective effect of natural mineral water (NMW) with high content of hydrogen sulfide and boron was evaluated in white rats with reproduced model of dermatosis. Morphological, immunological and statistical methods were used in the work. The model of dermatosis was reproduced by sequential applications of xylene and paraformaldehyde on the shaved skin of the rat. The treatment course included 6 procedures (applications were performed every other day, the duration of each application was 20 minutes). Results. After a course of applications with MW, microscopic examination revealed the removal of inflammation in the skin and activation of epidermal regeneration. The analysis of hematological parameters revealed the recovery of the percentage of lymphocytes, acidophils, neutrophils and monocytes, phagocytosis processes and normalization of the cellular and humoral components of the immune system. Positive changes in other investigated metabolic systems were also determined. The activity of the processes of energy-dependent transmembrane transport was restored, the balance in the system of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection was normalized, the content of seromucoids was reduced and the content of total protein and protein spectrum of blood was normalized. Conclusions. Thus, the limitation of the development of the pathological process and the reduction of the level of allergization of the organism were determined, which indicates the presence of a significant corrective effect of the MW used in the study, and its high biological activity.
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