Analysis of the physical activity of schoolchildren of Transcarpathian region in terms of distance learning


  • I.M. Rohach Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty, Department of Social Medicine and Hygiene
  • A.I. Palko
  • O.V. Feher Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty, Department of Social Medicine and Hygiene
  • M.V. Virah


Physical activity, distance learning, health status.


Introduction. Maintaining and strengthening the health of school-age children, developing their healthy lifestyle skills is the main task of the state and the education system. One of the components of a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren is the optimal level. Аim. To study and assess the level of physical activity and health of children of middle and high school age in the Transcarpathian region in terms of distance learningю Material and research methods. During January 2021, using a questionnaire-online method, a study of the physical activity of schoolchildren was conducted. Research results and their discussion. In 2018, during the full-time form of education, we researched the physical activity of children of middle and high school age. The results of the survey showed that 76.0% of respondents lead a sedentary lifestyle and only 26.0% adhere to the optimal values of physical activity – 3.5-4.8 hours per day. It was found that 38.0% of schoolchildren spend less than 2 hours of their free time in front of a computer, and 19.0% – more than two hours. Only 20.0% of respondents are engaged in sports sections, mostly middle-aged children, with 33.0% taking daily walks in the fresh air, irregularly – 11.0%, not exercising at all – 56.0% of respondents. [1]. However, since March 2020, while in quarantine, schools have switched mainly to distance or blended learning, so children’s normal lifestyle has changed significantly – reduced physical activity, as sports sections do not work, the opportunity to be outdoors is limited. We found that in the conditions of distance learning, depending on the schedule and the amount of homework, most students spend 2-4 hours (47.5%), and more than 6 hours – 16.8%. During or after distance lessons, 66.3% of students experience fatigue, 44.6% back pain, 13.9% hand pain, and 50.5% eye pain. In distance learning, most children experience decreased attention (58.4%), decreased concentration (49.5%). Drowsiness occurs in 50.5% and irritability in 41.6%. 34.7% have enough free time to rest, while 67.3% of respondents spend it on active recreation. Motor activity during quarantine changed in 72.2% of children, and in the majority, it decreased (45.5%). According to subjective feelings, 34.7% consider their health strong. During quarantine, 55.4% of patients fell ill with colds and 32.7% of respondents sought medical help. Conclusions. Based on the research, it can be stated that distance learning and quarantine conditions have negatively affected the level of physical activity and lifestyle of schoolchildren.


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How to Cite

Рогач, І., Палко, А., Фегер, О., & Віраг, М. (2022). Analysis of the physical activity of schoolchildren of Transcarpathian region in terms of distance learning. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1 (63), 65-68. Retrieved from