Mental health of students of medical faculty N2 of Uzhhorod National University during the pandemic COVID-19 according to an anonymous survey


  • D.B. Pylypiv Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty №2, Department of Fundamental Medical Disciplines
  • B.M. Sharha Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty №2, Department of Fundamental Medical Disciplines
  • V.P. Feketa Uzhhorod National University, Medical Faculty №2, Department of Fundamental Medical Disciplines



anonymous survey, general health, COVID-19 pandemic, quarantine, incomplete lockdown, red zone, Internet survey, foreign students, mental health, safe conditions of learning.


The COVID-19 pandemic leads to significant mortality and mental disorders among people. The purpose of the study is using an anonymous survey to estimate the state of general health of students of the Medical Faculty №2 of Uzhhorod Na-tional University; to assess the impact of the pandemic and quarantine on the mental health of foreign students; to determine whether they understand the danger and consciously keep the safety rules to prevent COVID-19 infection spread. An anonymous survey of foreign students from the 1st to the 6th year of study was conducted via the Internet after the introduction of the "red zone" in Transcarpathia. 358 students were questioned. Most of them were 1st and 3rd year students. 5 (1,4%) and 9 (2,5%) of respondents reported an ‘extremely unsatisfactory’ and ‘unsatisfactory’ state of general health, respectively, which may result in their health further deterioration under conditions of pandemic stress. In a pandemic and restrictive environment, most foreign students are concerned. It covered the largest number of respondents (82.4%) with the announcement of a pandemic and quarantine with an incomplete lockdown. Easing the quarantine reduced the number of concerns to 52%, the introduction of the "red zone" in Transcarpathia increased their share to 58.4%. Developments in Transcarpathia in connection with the pandemia have changed the resilience of students to stress. In 57.2% of responded it increased, in 26% - decreased, slightly changed - in 16.8%. About 2/3 of students underwent abrupt mood swings during quarantine with incomplete lockdown. 33.3% of respondents believe that their mental health has deteriorated under these restrictions, 48.3% of students have reported an improvement in mental health, and 18.4% have changed little in mental health. Anti-pandemic restrictions cause students to worry about financial well-being. 137 of respondents (38.3%) did have a lack of money. There are doubts as to whether the insurance that students have will be sufficient for treatment in the event of COVID-19. This is an additional causal factor for the occurrence of mental disorders in students. For the majority of students (57.3%) at this time the number of social interactions decreased, for 26.5% of them it increased, and for 16.2% changed little. Only 5.3% of respondents continued to communicate closely with friends and relatives. The period of self-limitation of social contacts by students lasted from several days to 3 months or more. 84 students did not have such a period at all. This indicates that they are not fully aware of the dangers of COVID-19 infection. 58.1% of respondents supported the idea of learning “online”, the rest (41.9%) liked "offline" studies. According to the students’ answers, they all use masks in classrooms and laboratories. However, about 1/5 of the respondents did not keep a safe social distance and studied in unventilated rooms. We advise the faculty to install (restore) automatic ventilation systems for the university’s rooms. We recommend that both students and teachers do not forget to follow safety rules to prevent coronavirus infection spread in university. Despite signs of partial mental adaptation of students to the stressful conditions of quarantine with incomplete lockdown and quarantine of the "red zone" during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a deterioration in the mental health of foreign students. The small number of people vaccinated and recovered from COVID-19 infection. This does not provide enough of collective immunity, and therefore does not reduce the concern in the community of international students and does not contribute to improvement of their mental health. Not all students followed the safety rules against coronavirus infection while studying offline. They need more outreach concerning this.


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How to Cite

Пилипів, Д. ., Шарга, Б. ., & Фекета, В. . (2020). Mental health of students of medical faculty N2 of Uzhhorod National University during the pandemic COVID-19 according to an anonymous survey. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2 (62), 88-95.