Modern principles of treatment of patients with fractures of proximal tobial epi-metaphisis (for students of medical universities, masters, doctors of interns, clinical residencies, graduate students in the specialty 14.01.22 – traumatology and orthopedic
fracture, proximal tibia epimetaphysis, surgical treatment, arthroscopic technique, osteosynthesis.Abstract
The work is based on the study of literature and own experience in the treatment of patients with fractures of the proximal tibia epitaphysis. The aim of the work is to increase the level of knowledge of students of higher medical institutions, masters, interns and graduate students in the specialty "orthopedics and traumatology" to improve the quality of treatment of these injuries by systematiz-ing modern approaches to diagnosis, planning and optimization of surgical interventions, depending on the type of fracture. The type of fracture was determined by the Schatzker and AO / ОТА classifications. Differentiated choice of technique and means of fixation of bone and cartilage fragments, depending on the type of fracture, is a major factor in the restoration of the function of the damaged knee joint. Arthroscopically controlled osteosynthesis technology provides reduction of traumatization inside and around the joint tissues, visual control of fragment reposition, possibility of determining the correction of damage to soft tissue structures, optimal conditions for the course of reparative process and postoperative recovery treatment. Based on the analysis of own clinical material, using multivariate correlation-regression analysis, the main factors that influence the progression after traumatic osteoarthritis and lead to unsatisfactory results are established.
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