A modern approach to the treatment of patients with varicose disease of the lower extremities and evaluation of its effectiveness
varicose disease, venous reflux, endovasal laser coagulation, phleboscleroobliteration.Abstract
Introduction. Among the literature data, there are many described methods of treating varicose disease, which dictates the need to define clear indications for each of them. In order to obtain a quality result without further relapse of varicose disease, an individual approach is required in each specific case. The effectiveness of one or another method of treating varicose disease is an urgent issue in vascular surgery. The aim. In order to improve the results of treatment of patients with varicose disease of the lower extremities, conduct a literature analysis of surgical treatment methods with inherent complications for each of them. Materials and methods. The available sources of domestic and foreign literature related to the treatment of patients with varicose disease and the use of various modern methods were analyzed. Research results and their discussion. A rational combination of surgery and phleboscleroobliteration makes it possible to maximize the advantages and eliminate the disadvantages of each of the methods. Today, authoritative phlebologists talk about sclerosurgery – a combined method of treating varicose disease. Thus, scleroobliteration was and remains a very popular method of varicose vein correction. Today, very popular methods of eliminating vertical venous reflux are endovasal thermal obliteration methods. Supporters of such interventions are among domestic and foreign specialists. Unlike surgical treatment, phleboscleroobliteration is certainly less traumatic, economically available, can be performed in an outpatient setting, is accompanied by smaller cosmetic losses and a shorter period of medical and social rehabilitation. The need to perform crossectomy before trunk scleroobliteration increases the likelihood of damage to large blood and lymphatic vessels, lymphorrhea. In this connection, the idea of carrying out the manipulation without a previous crossectomy arose. Conclusions. Surgical and sclerosurgical interventions are most often used in the treatment of patients with VD, an objective comparative assessment of their results is necessary to clarify the effectiveness of the studied methods in the long-term observation period.
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