Features of nutritional support in patients with mild acute pancreatitis
acute pancreatitis, oral nutrition, terms of hospitalization, pancreatic enzymes, C-reactive protein.Abstract
Introduction. The number of patients with acute pancreatitis (AP) is increasing in the world. Approximately 85% of patients with AP have a mild course of the disease. Nutritional support is an important factor in the treatment of these patients. However, the optimal timetable for restoring oral intake is almost not studied. Aim of the study. Determine the possibility of early recovery of oral nutrition in patients with mild AP. Materials and methods. We examined 51 patients with mild acute pancreatitis. In 25 patients, an early oral refeeding (EORF) was used when patients experienced hunger, and 26 patients received routine oral refeeding (RORF) after pain disappeared and normalized pancreatic enzymes serum levels. Results. Age, sexual, etiological and laboratory parameters, the severity of the condition of patients in the two groups during hospitalization were not statistically different. Before starting the diet in the EORF group, serum concentrations of pancreatic amylase and lipase were elevated. There was a significant difference in the duration of the hunger strike after hospitalization between the EORF group and the RORF group. In addition, there was a significant decrease in the total number of days of hospitalization in the EORF group compared with the group RORF. There were no differences in the relapse of abdominal pain, abdominal distension, elevated serum levels of pancreatic enzymes, and severity of the condition of patients between these two groups. All patients who developed relapse of pain and transient abdominal distension did not require a change in nutrition regimen. The activity of inflammation at the concentration of C-reactive protein significantly earlier was leveled in patients from the group of EORF. All patients were discharged according to standardized criteria. Conclusion. In patients with mild AP, early onset of oral refeeding, which is safe, promotes a faster reduction of the inflammatory process, reduces the timing of hospitalization.
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