Types of reflection and some features when working with foreign students in institutions of higher medical education at the current stage





students of the international faculty, reflection, reflective learning, internalization of learning, individualization of learning


Modern medical higher education is becoming aware of its globalization and internationalization. The internationalization of education, especially after the introduction of the Bologna system of education, stopped allowing international teacher exchange programs between different countries, and also increased the percentaget of foreign students in almost every higher education institution that has the third or fourth level of accreditation, including medical ones. The article is devoted to an important issue of modern science and life – reflection. which is a rather multifaceted category. The article does not reveal all its aspects, but only those related to achieving the maximum individual approach during the educational, scientific and even educational activities of teachers. The role of reflection in this aspect is to help create the most favorable conditions for all-round adaptation of applicants, maximally revealing and developing their educational, scientific, artistic, physical, mental potential and preserving or improving their health. This applies to both domestic and foreign students, but to a greater extent to others, while they are abroad and may have numerous difficulties in achieving adaptation results. The authors emphasize that in order to achieve this goal, efforts should be made not only by teachers and curators, but also by deans, librarians, additional staff of higher educational institutions, dormitories. The authors also paid special attention to their approaches and methods of teaching international applicants to help them feel comfortable with the mandatory level of their typological affiliation, in particular, this concerns the need to provide adapted literary materials that will also be as short and informative as possible, with thematic glossaries, thematic schemes, possible even in several languages, discussion of tests. Thus, the use of elements of reflective learning is important during the training of foreign applicants in higher medical educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Ткаченко, О. В., Жукова, М. Ю., Коковська, О. В., & Міщенко, І. В. (2024). Types of reflection and some features when working with foreign students in institutions of higher medical education at the current stage. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1(69), 146-149. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8127.2024.69.25

