Clinical analysis of occlusal relationships in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction




painful dysfunctional syndrome, occlusal disorders, functional occlusion, functional-occlusal changes


Aim. Investigation of the specific interaction of elements of the stomatognathic apparatus and their functional-occlusal relationships in patients with elements of occlusal disharmony and determination of the impact of these factors on the development of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) through conducting clinical research, utilizing instrumental diagnostic methods, as well as collecting and analyzing statistical data. Materials and Methods. The research includes an analysis of functional occlusion in dental patients with elements of occlusal disharmony. The methodology incorporates clinical and laboratory methods, considering various aspects of the anatomy of the temporomandibular joints, muscle activity, and movements of the lower jaw. The use of high-precision research tools allows for the identification of changes in the topography and muscle activity. Results. The obtained results highlight the importance of considering functional occlusion during prosthetic treatment and indicate a connection between occlusal disturbances, movements of the lower jaw, and the development of Temporomandibular Disorders. Aspects such as asymmetry in muscle activity and trauma to nerve endings underscore the necessity of avoiding unimpeded displacement of the lower jaw during prosthetic interventions. Conclusions. Based on the conducted analysis, it has been determined that restoration of functional occlusion is of great importance in preventing issues such as recession, hypersensitivity, periodontal trauma, and the development of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. The relevance of studying and considering functional-occlusal relationships in modern orthopedic treatment of dental patients is emphasized. The research indicates the necessity for further scientific studies to improve approaches to the treatment and prevention of stomatognathic anomalies.


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How to Cite

Наумович, І. В., & Коваль, Є. А. (2024). Clinical analysis of occlusal relationships in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1(69), 110-113.