Study of the impact of the developed treatment and prevention complexes on biochemical indices of the jaw bone tissue in experimental animals with teething disorder against the background of a cariogenic diet




experiment, teething, biochemical indices, bone tissue


Introduction. Teething disorder can lead to development of diseases of the oral cavity, therefore the question of developing methods of their correction and prevention assumes importance. Objective. The impact of the developed treatment and prevention complexes on the activity of alkaline and acid phosphatases, elastase, calcium level of the jaw bone tissue of experimental animals with teething disorder against the background of a carious diet. Methods. The 1st (control) group consisted of 8 intact rats. The 2nd group consisted of 10 rats with early teething (born to females receiving L-thyroxine during pregnancy and lactation). The 3rd group comprised 10 rats with early teething (born to females receiving L-thyroxine during pregnancy and lactation) who received a medical preventive complex (MPC) No1. The 4th group consisted of 10 rats with a delayed teething (born to females receiving antibiotics during pregnancy and lactation). The 5th group included 11 rats with delayed teething (born to females receiving antibiotics during pregnancy and lactation) who received MPC No2. The 6th group covered rats, which were modeled the delay in teething (born to females who received Mercazolil during pregnancy and lactation). The 7th group consisted of rats with delayed teething (born to females receiving Mercazolil during pregnancy and lactation) who received MPC No2. Calcite gel was applied to the teeth of rats receiving MPC No. 1 within 20 days. In the future, Biotrit gel was applied to the teeth Denta within 20 days. After that the teeth of rats were treated with the system for deep fluoridation Ftorcalcit-E three times every other day. Orally the rats received Dent’s Biotrite as food. Calcite gel was applied to the teeth of rats receiving MPC No2 in the morning and Biotrit Denta gel in the evening. The rats received Lactiale Germaine Forte, Mineralol and Biotrite Denta orally. 60 days after the start of the experiment, animals were euthanized under thiopental anesthesia. The activity of acid phosphatase (AL), alkaline phosphatase (AL), elastase, calcium content was evaluated in the homogenates of the alveolar process of rats. Results. Administration of MPC No1 in animals of the 3rd group allowed to increase the concentration of LF by 54.05% and reduce the activity of elastase by 45.59% in comparison with the indices of the 2nd group. Application of MPC No. 2 in rats with delayed eruption of teeth that were on a cariogenic diet made it possible to reduce the level of CF by 38.3% in comparison with that in the 4th group. In rats of the 7th group with delayed teething, the level of elastase was 49.23% less than in animals of the 6th group. Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was established that animals, which have received developed therapeutic and preventive complexes were noted to have normalization of the physiological processes of the bone tissue mineralization of the jaws, which was confirmed by indices of alkaline and acid phosphatase activity as well as elastase.


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How to Cite

Гороховський, В. В., & Дєньга, О. В. (2024). Study of the impact of the developed treatment and prevention complexes on biochemical indices of the jaw bone tissue in experimental animals with teething disorder against the background of a cariogenic diet. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1(69), 94-98.