Medical care management for children with visual impairments in the light of modern health care reforms




medical care management, children’s population, ophthalmological pathology


Introduction. Eye’s diseases and its accessory apparatus, the sign of which is a disorder of visual functions, have a significant impact on a person’s activities in everyday life, his quality of life. Various chronic diseases, cardiovascular, endocrine, systemic, in the vast majority have ophthalmological manifestations or complications. According to forecast calculations, the incidence of diabetes and other non-infectious chronic diseases will continue to increase, and the number of patients with diseases of the visual analyzer will also increase. Taking into account of vision loss cases up to 40% of that are preventable or curable with timely and effective medical intervention, the study of modern domestic features of the prevention management, diagnosis and treatment of eyes diseases and its accessory apparatus is gaining relevance. Timely medical intervention in children of early preschool and school age becomes especially important, since this approach allows to preventing the negative impact of the presence of impaired visual functions on the quality of life of the child, his physical and psycho-emotional development, as well as the assimilation of information during education and socialization. The purpose of the study was to study the organization of providing medical care to children with visual impairments in the modern conditions of functioning of health care institutions in Ukraine. Materials and methods. The research materials were results of modern health care reform strategies implementation which published in the scientific literature to preserve the health of the population in various countries of the world, as well as the domestic regulatory and legal framework for the organization of providing medical care to children with impaired vision. Research methods were: bibliosemantic; content analysis; structural analysis; system approach and system analysis. The results of research and their discussion convince us in feasibility of introducing modern effective approaches to the organization of providing medical care to children with impaired visual functions, which, according to the experience of other countries in the world, have positive results. Thus, to reorganize the work of the children’s ophthalmology service, it is necessary to update and improve the forms of organizational work to preventive and curative direction, supplementing them with a predicative, personalized approach. Conclusions. To implement modern improved organizational forms of children’s ophthalmic care providing is necessary to combine improved forms of organizational work to preventive and curative intervention in health care institutions that provide primary medical and specialized ophthalmic care with the efforts of public health institutions, as well as educational institutions of various type of ownership. From the point of view to preserving ophthalmic health in the future, it is necessary, starting from early childhood, to strengthen the preventive focus, personalization and predicativeness of medical care in combination with rational behavioral visual habits and stereotypes of visual load, as components of the health care system for preschool and school-aged children.


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How to Cite

Денисюк, Л. І., & Медведовська, Н. В. (2024). Medical care management for children with visual impairments in the light of modern health care reforms. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1(69), 88-93.