Ultrasound measurement of the width of the linea alba in patients with diastasis recti abdominis





linea alba, diastasis recti, ultrasound examination, diagnosis


Introduction. There are significant discrepancies in the frequency, diagnostic criteria, and normal range of abdominal linea alba width associated with different diagnostic approaches and threshold values. Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of multi-position ultrasound measurement of the abdominal linea alba in patients with diastasis recti of varying severity. Methodology/Methods. We conducted a clinical examination of 120 patients with diastasis recti. Ultrasound examination of the anterior abdominal wall was performed at three locations (above the umbilicus, at the umbilicus, below the umbilicus) in six patients positions. Results. In cases of mild diastasis, an increase in the distance between the rectus abdominis muscles was observed only in the epigastrium in all patients. In the umbilical and infraumbilical regions, no signs of pathological widening of the linea alba were noted during ultrasound assessment, and changes in width in different positions were unlikely. In patients with moderate diastasis recti, contraction of the abdominal wall muscles did not affect the width of the linea alba. A non-statistically significant increase in its width was observed when the patient was transitioned to orthostasis compared to clinostasis. In the umbilical location of these patients, a slight widening of the linea alba was observed, which did not statistically differ in different positions of ultrasound measurement. In patients with severe diastasis, the linea alba width likely did not differ in different positions during ultrasound measurement, indicating compensatory functional restructuring of the trunk muscle structures due to pronounced diastasis. Conclusions. In patients with mild diastasis recti, contraction of the abdominal wall muscles likely changed the width of the linea alba, while in patients with moderate and severe diastasis, there was likely no significant difference based on body position or dynamic loading.


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How to Cite

Василюк, С. М., & Петраш, А. В. (2024). Ultrasound measurement of the width of the linea alba in patients with diastasis recti abdominis. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (1(69), 11-15. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8127.2024.69.2




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