Possible dangers and complications of damage control surgery for today; the means of their correction


  • Yu.F. Kushta Danylo Halytsky National Medical University, Medical Faculty, General Surgery Unit
  • L.M. Kohut Danylo Halytsky National Medical University, Medical Faculty, General Surgery Unit
  • R.V. Yaremkevych Danylo Halytsky National Medical University, Medical Faculty, General Surgery Unit




hypothermia, coagulopathy, metabolic acidosis, ―lethal triad‖, abdominal compartment-syndrome, contamination, correction, abbreviated operation, decompression, physiological functions, mortality, survival.


For today damage control surgery is an actual and original direction of the modern medical science and practical medicine. The purpose of our research is representation of possible dangers and complications, that can develop in the group of seriously injured patients with damages of internal organs and further bleeding from these organs. In the same time in our work indicates the list of urgent measures, that necessary to realize in such cases. The material of research were injured persons after severe combined, associated and multiple damages with bleeding from internal organs. Among them considerable rate were persons, who got gunshort wounds, including abdominal cavity, during military actions. In our work used analytic method of investigation. One of danger of damage control surgery is hypothermia. It leads to cardiac arrhythmia, decreasing of cardiac output, supresses immune system also. Long term hypoperfusion of injured persons provokes anaerobic metabolism and development of lactate acidosis. Traumatic damages causing disorders of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis balance. In such cases develops coagulopathy. In considerable amount of cases an enumerated dangers appear simultaneously. Such symptom complex named as ―lethal triad‖. The most severe complication of damage control surgery is appearance of abdominal compartment – syndrome. In remote postoperative period stated a cases of abdominal burst and suppuration of operational wounds. Thus, timely diagnosing and correction of ―lethal triad‖ leads to increasing of survival frequency of severe injured persons; during revealing of dangers and complications of damage control surgery all efforts should be directed on restoration of physiologic processes in the patients.


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How to Cite

Кушта, Ю., Когут, Л. ., & Яремкевич, Р. . (2022). Possible dangers and complications of damage control surgery for today; the means of their correction. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2 (58), 29-31. https://doi.org/10.24144/2415-8127.2018.58.29-31