Fatty acid plasma composition in residents of different Transcarpathian altitude regions


  • A.V. Kedyk Uzhhorod National University, medical faculty, department of hospital therapy




lipid metabolism, fatty acid spectrum, obesity, mountain settlements.


Introduction. Currently, there is a limited number of studies that studying changes in the fatty acid spectrum, depending on the altitude of the habitat. Perhaps, these changes are the cause of the discrepancy between the results of many scholars about lipid abnormalities. The aim of the study was to evaluate of fatty acid composition and lipid plasma spectrum of blood in the inhabitants of the plains and mountainous settlements of the Transcarpathian region, depending on age, gender and body mass index. Materials and metods.116 people were surveyed, 62 of them were inhabitants of Uzhhorod district (plain inhabitants) and 54 inhabitants of Vydrychka (Rakhiv district, Transcarpathian region (mountain inhabitants)), in which were determined fatty acid and lipid spectrum composition. Research results and their discussion. It has been established that among mountain inhabitants over 40 years of age, overweight people and men levels of saturated fatty acids and three pro-inflammatory ώ6-polyunsaturated fatty acids (ɣ-linolenic, digomo-ɣ-linolenic and andrenoic acids) were significantly higher. Despite, it was found differences in levels of individual PUFAs in different high-altitude groups, no significant differences were found in the total level of ώ6-PUFA and ώ3-PUFA. No significant differences in lipid profile values were found in comparable patient groups. Conclusions. High levels of anti-inflammatory eicosapentaenic acid were observed in mountain inhabitants under 40 years and with a normal body mass index. In obesity mountainers higher levels of miristinic, ώ6 -andrenoic and lower levels of ώ3-docosahexaenic fatty acids are probable predictors of the onset and progression of comorbid pathologies.


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How to Cite

Кедик, А. . (2022). Fatty acid plasma composition in residents of different Transcarpathian altitude regions. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2 (58), 19-23. https://doi.org/10.24144/2415-8127.2018.58.19-23