Assessment of nutrition and associated cardiometabolic risks to the health of footwear industry workers
nutrition, anthropometric status, blood lipid spectrum, carbohydrate metabolism, cardiometabolic risk, workers’ health, footwear industry.Abstract
Irrational nutrition can cause the development of non-infectious diseases (NIDs) such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. The aim was to investigate cardiometabolic health risks in shoe workers based on the results of nutrition assessment, anthropometric and clinical-laboratory studies. Materials and methods. The research group included footwear industry workers (n=200: 119 males and 81 females). The research program included a survey of workers on the state and quality of nutrition, anthropometric survey: determination of body height (BH), body weight (BW), waist circumference (WC), thigh circumference (TC), body mass index (BMI), a body shape index (ABSI) waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and Body fat %. Lipid and carbohydrate metabolism was evaluated by levels of glucose, total cholesterol (TCH), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL CH), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL CH), coefficient of atherosclerosis (AC), Triglyceride glucose index and index Castelli. Results. Unhealthy nutrition patterns have been formed among the working contingent, namely a significant imbalance of the diet, its energy surplus, insufficient consumption of necessary food groups, relatively frequent consumption of alcohol, especially by male workers, excessive consumption of salt, insufficient water consumption and non-compliance with the with the regime of nutrition. The results of anthropometric screening indicate the presence of overweight and obesity of various degrees, including visceral, in 35.94-42.65% and 10.3-20.58% of workers, respectively. The share of workers with medium (16.67-22.8%) and high and very high (4.69-6.7%) risk of morbidity and premature death from cardiovascular disease according to ABSI was identified. Violations of carbohydrate metabolism were found in 42.2-46.9% of respondents, lipid – in 43.7-48.5%. A group of workers at risk of developing metabolic syndrome was identified: the presence of 3 criteria was recorded in 14.1-19.1%; 4 criteria – 10.1-14.7% of workers. There was a direct reliable relationship of medium strength between WC, WHR and lipid profile (TCH, AC), indexes of cardiovascular risk and reliable feedback of medium strength between these indicators and HDL CH. The values of BMI, ABSI, Body fat % were significantly correlated with some indicators of lipid and carbohydrate (except glucose) metabolism, the strength of this relationship was mainly characterized as average. The use of simple anthropometric indices and analysis of lipid and carbohydrate profiles can be used in medical examinations of workers for pre-medical diagnosis of NIDs. It allows the early intervention and the development of effective measures to correct the health of workers.
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