Morphological changes in the placenta in women with oligohydramnios


  • V.V. Maliar Uzhhorod National University Medical Faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • T.V. Ibadova Uzhhorod National University Medical Faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Vol.V. Maliar Uzhhorod National University Medical Faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • V.A. Maliar Uzhhorod National University Medical Faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology



placenta, amniotic membranes, oligohydramnios.


Conclusions Introduction. Oligohydramnios in pregnant women - obstetric pathology, which is closely related to obstet-ric complications and perinatal pathology. Aim of the research. To study morphological changes in placenta at organic, tissue and cellular levels in women with ol-igohydramnios. Materials and methods. The main organometric parameters and morphological examination of placenta was performed in 50 women who gave birth with oligohydramnios and in 30 with physiological pregnancy. Results. According to clinical and morphological studies, pregnancy in women with oligohydramnios is closely related to the morphological features of the placenta. Organometric parameters of the placenta, umbilical cord and morphological picture of extraembryonic structures indicate a violation of morphogenesis in these structures, as well as morphofunctional changes that are characteristic of the develop-ment of placental and paraplacental insufficiency. According to the results of research, in 54% of the stroma of the chorionic villi there is an accumulation of fetal fibrinoid, in 44.0% of sclerosis of the intermediate and terminal villi. In the amniotic epithelium of amniotic membranes morphological changes in epitheliocytes had the character of dystrophy in the form of vacuolation and giant cell dystrophy.


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How to Cite

Маляр, В. ., Ібадова, Т. ., Маляр, В. В. ., & Маляр, В. . (2020). Morphological changes in the placenta in women with oligohydramnios. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Medicine», (2 (62), 84-87.